What’s happening…
Welcome Swallow Structure & Place 2023 Exhibition
Opening September 5:30- 7pm. - 30th September
Showcasing the ‘Five Cities’ Artworks of Sandra Barlow-Turner, accompanied by artworks by myself and 2 other artists.
Welcome Swallow Gallery and Gifts - Permanent Collection
A range of prints, cards and original artworks are on display at the WSG in East Hamilton and the recently opened Ward Street shop.
Otorohanga Kiwi House and Native Bird Park
Exciting times as there are lots of new babies hatching! Kiwi, kaka, kea to name a few. The park is open with some parts under construction. Can’t wait to see the new additions.
A selection of native bird art reproductions are available for purchase at the front desk with a portion of each sale going back into the park.