Watercolour painting of beautiful peachy ranunculus flowers and green dewy buds

From my hand to your home.

Watercolour artwork bringing people together over time and space creating a family legacy.


What can I help you with today?


Commissioned Work

Creating personal artworks, special gifts, lasting legacies and family treasures is a big reason why I offer original commissioned watercolour artworks.

In 2020 Rebecca had the privilege of painting a portrait of June, Lady Hillary, which now resides in the Auckland Museum. (Pictured)

What’s happening…

  • Welcome Swallow Structure & Place 2023 Exhibition

    Opening September 5:30- 7pm. - 30th September

    Showcasing the ‘Five Cities’ Artworks of Sandra Barlow-Turner, accompanied by artworks by myself and 2 other artists.


  • Welcome Swallow Gallery and Gifts - Permanent Collection

    A range of prints, cards and original artworks are on display at the WSG in East Hamilton and the recently opened Ward Street shop.


  • Otorohanga Kiwi House and Native Bird Park

    Exciting times as there are lots of new babies hatching! Kiwi, kaka, kea to name a few. The park is open with some parts under construction. Can’t wait to see the new additions.

    A selection of native bird art reproductions are available for purchase at the front desk with a portion of each sale going back into the park.