Portrait of a Kereru


Walking around the Otorohanga Kiwihouse and Native Bird park, I started to hear shrieks and startled cries which got louder as I approached one particular enclosure. I walked in to see a group of youths laughing and cowering in the corner. Turning to look at what their gaze was fixed on, I saw a plump kereru perched on a trunk.

Looking at me it cocked its head and flew straight at me! Now I knew the source of the raucous! With an audience I coolly raised my hand to ward off the approaching bird, (I had just washed my hair that morning and didn’t fancy poo in my hair). Instead of this gesture scaring the kereru off, it just landed on my hand and proceeded to lightly nip me before settling down. Stunned, I had plenty of time to reach for my camera and take several shots, one of which became this painting.

It took a while to gently encourage the bird off my hand back onto a near by branch. It grumpily sat there a few minutes before returning its attention to the group still huddled in the corner, and I carried on with my walk, the laughter nd shrieking following me as I went.

230mm image on a 300mm square

All reproduction prints are printed on high quality Epson cotton rag with Epson archival inks.

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